Cara DiSisto

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Controlling Patent Costs and How to Say No: Lessons from AUTM 2013

At inovia we often speak to universities about the challenges that they face when it comes to international patenting filing. Many of our university clients face budget and cost pressures and will often abandon technologies when there’s no licensee in place, even though they may have already spent thousands of dollars drafting the application and filing the PCT.

At the recent Association of University Technology Managers (AUTM) annual meeting, inovia’s founder Justin Simpson moderated a panel on the topic of “Controlling Patent Costs while Protecting More Technologies,” and was joined by three university experts to address some of these challenges.

AUTM Meeting: Cost-Effective International Patenting Strategies

The university panelists then discussed IP portfolio strategy and their recommendations for evaluating international patenting, as well as their tips for keeping costs down. Susanne Hollinger advised TTOs against applying blanket rules to their international patenting decisions, such as “we only file if we have a licensee.” International filing has been an important part of Emory’s strategy, as more than half of their royalty money comes from technologies filed internationally, and they make international filing decisions on a case-by-case basis.