Posts Tagged: "Congress"

This Week in Washington IP: One Year Review of the CHIPS Act, Pandemic Preparedness and Patents, and IP Standards Public Listening Session

This week in Washington IP news, the House IP Subcommittee evaluates IP competition with China, and the House Space Committee reviews one year of the CHIPS and Science Act. Elsewhere, the 78th UN General Assembly holds a high-level meeting on pandemic preparedness and vaccine patents.

This Week in Washington IP: Registering Trademarks in Mexico, Getting a Handle on Drug Prices, and Congress Talks AI

This week in Washington IP news, Congress holds a trio of hearings on artificial intelligence (AI) covering a variety of angles, from transparency to how the government is implementing the technology. Elsewhere, the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) hosts an event about registering and enforcing trademarks in Mexico, and the American Enterprise Institute looks at balancing drug pricing and innovation.

Understanding the Differences Between the USPTO’s ANPRM and the PREVAIL Act

The regulatory framework for the inter partes review (IPR) process has long been the subject of criticism from both patent owners and petitioners. There is a growing consensus that the existing rules need to be revised to address loopholes and unintended consequences that have developed over the 10 years the America Invents Act (AIA) has been in effect. To that end, both the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) and Congress have proposed changes in the regulatory framework. While the two disparate approaches seek to change the IPR playing field, their purpose and approach are significantly different. This article discusses those similarities and differences.

Passing PERA Assures Patent Eligibility for All Useful Inventions

Confusion and misunderstanding among some independent inventors might slow or stall progress of the excellent eligibility reform bill recently introduced by Senators Chris Coons (D-DE) and Thom Tillis (R-NC). Titled the Patent Eligibility Restoration Act (PERA), the legislation would overturn Supreme Court and Federal Circuit decisions that scrambled settled law, excluding many worthy classes of inventions, such as medical diagnostic methods and advanced computer applications.

This Week in Washington IP: How States Can Benefit from the CHIPS Act, The Department of Energy’s Role in AI, and Women Entrepreneurship in the IP Field

This week in Washington IP news, Congress is returning from its summer recess and the Senate is holding several hearings its first week back, including the Senate Energy Committee which turns its focus to artificial intelligence. Elsewhere, CSIS will discuss defense technology acquisition, and ITIF meets with state government representatives to look at how states can help the CHIPS Act succeed.

How the American IDEA Act Will Help Small Business

Intellectual property (IP) theft has severe consequences for U.S. business, and many companies—particularly small businesses—can feel overwhelmed at the seemingly insurmountable task of stopping IP theft that occurs overseas. Introduced by Senators Tammy Baldwin (D-WI) and John Cornyn (R-TX) earlier this summer, the American IP Defense and Enforcement Advancement Act, or the “American IDEA Act,” promises to protect U.S. businesses against international IP theft. It is not to be confused with the Inventor Diversity for Economic Advancement (IDEA) Act, which aims to improve demographic data-gathering efforts at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

U.S. Copyright Office Issues Notice of Inquiry on Wide Range of Copyright Issues in Generative AI Systems

On August 30, the U.S. Copyright Office issued a notice of inquiry in the Federal Register seeking public comment on a range of issues related to the intersection of copyright law and artificial intelligence (AI). The recent notice is the latest action by the Office on the myriad of copyright issues that have been arising around the use of generative AI platforms including infringement liability for training AI systems on copyrighted content and human authorship requirements.

Blatant Mischaracterizations of PERA Hurt Those the Bill Could Help Most

It is time to set the record straight. For reasons I don’t understand, many inventors are just not being truthful about the provisions of patent reform bills now pending in Congress. In fact, some in the independent inventor community are attempting to rally support to kill the overwhelmingly pro-patent, pro-innovation, patent eligibility bill now pending. This is an enormous mistake that will have tragic consequences unless those who have the most to lose become willing to accept a win, even if that win does not provide them with 100% of what they want.

Indie Filmmakers Urge Senate IP Subcommittee to Take Caution in Considering Federal Right of Publicity

The Film Independent and the International Documentary Association (IDA) sent a letter to the  Senate Subcommittee on Intellectual Property Tuesday, asking the Subcommittee to ensure that any federal right of publicity it may be considering as an answer to problems raised by generative AI artificial intelligence (AI) include an express exemption for creative works. The letter, penned by the law firm Donaldson Callif Perez, came in response to the Subcommittee hearing held on July 12, 2023, during which witnesses floated the idea of creating a federal right of publicity or an anti-impersonation right as a solution to concerns that generative AI could mimic artistic styles.

This Week in Washington IP: Improving Invention Education, Intellectual Property Rights During Public Health Emergencies, and the State of the Chinese Economy

This week in Washington IP news, as a new school year begins, the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) looks at the latest research on invention education. Congress is still on vacation, yet hot topic issues are still being discussed elsewhere, including the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) looking at the state of the Chinese economy, and the American Enterprise Institute discussing what the U.S. federal government can do to patent rights during a public health emergency.

This Week in Washington IP: How European Tech Regulations Impact U.S. Businesses, The 5G Patent Race, and IP in Latin America

This week in Washington IP news, with Congress still on summer recess we look abroad to Brazil, which will be hosting the largest international intellectual property event in Latin America. Elsewhere, the Cato Institute discusses how EU regulations on tech companies are impacting U.S. businesses, and IPWatchdog hosts a panel on the 5G patent race.

Accelerated Innovation: In Less Than a Year, We’ve Seen a Decade’s Worth of AI and IP Developments

The past year has provided decades’ worth of developments across law and policy in the areas of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) technologies. If 2022 was the breakthrough year for accessible AI, then 2023 can so far be deemed as the first year of likely many more to come in the era of an AI inquisition. “After years of somewhat academic discourse,” reflects Dr. Ryan Abbott, “AI and copyright law have finally burst into the public consciousness—from contributing to the writer’s strike to a wave of high-profile cases alleging copyright infringement from machine learning to global public hearings on the protectability of AI-generated works.” Both the U.S. Copyright Office (USCO) and the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) are in active litigation over the eligibility of generative AI outputs for statutory protection. Additionally, both offices have held numerous webinars and listening sessions and conducted other methods of collecting feedback from the public as they work through policy considerations surrounding AI.

PTAB Developments in 2023: A Mid-Year Recap and What’s to Come

A little over halfway through 2023, and nearing the end of the Patent Trial and Appeal Board’s (PTAB’s) fiscal year, we can take stock of an administrative body that is settling into a decade of precedent while big changes still loom. Unlike prior years, where policy changes resulted in statistical swings for institution rates, outcomes, amendment practice, and the like, this year has been more of an extension of previous trends (though institution rates are still creeping higher).

International Perspectives: R&D and AI Policies in the Global Landscape

Everyone’s talking about artificial intelligence (AI), but not everyone’s talking about it the same way. The tenor of the global conversation on AI ranges from dystopian fearmongering to evangelistic optimism. It’s vital to know the prevailing mood in the territory where you plan to launch your AI-powered service, app, or consultancy. In this article, we’ll briefly tour recent legislation, ethical conversations, and economic strategies to demonstrate how varied current thinking is on this revolutionary new technology. We’ll look at the current situation in the United States, Canada, Europe, China, Japan and beyond, as countries develop the policies, guidelines and laws necessary to regulate AI innovation without stifling creativity.

AI Voice Cloning – and Its Misuse – Has Opened a Pandora’s Box of Legal Issues: Here’s What to Know

Voice cloning, a technology that enables the replication of human voices from large language models using artificial intelligence (AI), presents both exciting possibilities and legal challenges. Recent machine-learning advances have made it possible for people’s voices to be imitated with only a few short seconds of a voice sample as training data. It’s a development that brings exciting possibilities for personalized and immersive experiences, such as creating realistic voiceovers for content, lifelike personal assistants and even preserving the voices of loved ones for future generations. But it’s also ripe with potential for abuse, as it could easily be used to commit fraud, spread misinformation and generate fake audio evidence.