Jonathan Tinker-Lamothe Image

Jonathan Tinker-Lamothe

is part of the trademark support team at Haug Partners LLP. Jonathan assists with maintenance of client trademark portfolios and works with affiliate firms around the globe to ensure compliance with local regulations and deadlines.

Recent Articles by Jonathan Tinker-Lamothe

USPTO Navigates New Territory In The Wake of Matal v. Tam

The USPTO issued Examination Guide 01-17 on Monday, June 26, 2017, entitled “Examination Guidance for Section 2(a)’s Disparagement Provision after Matal v. Tam and Examination for Compliance with Section 2(a)’s Scandalousness Provision While Constitutionality Remains in Question.” This Guide explains how trademark applications with arguably disparaging or scandalous content will be examined in the aftermath of the Supreme Court’s decision in Matal… The Supreme Court’s ruling in Matal cleared the way for a slew of new and possibly offensive trademark applications of a kind that have been consistently denied since 1946. Whether this protection will be extended to a wider category of potentially incendiary marks hinges on the Federal Court’s pending review of Brunetti.