Gene Quinn & Paul Morinville


Gene Quinn is a patent attorney and the founder of He is also a principal lecturer in the PLI Patent Bar Review Course and an attorney with Widerman & Malek.

Paul Morinville is Managing Director of US Inventor, Inc., a 501(c)(4) established in 2015 to encourage inventors to contact or visit their elected representative in Washington DC, to show the impact inventors make in their districts, and to ask for legislation to correct the damage caused by the America Invents Act, Congress, the courts and the administration. For the last two years, Paul has been walking the halls of both the Senate and the House knocking on doors and sitting down with hundreds of offices to explain the damage suffered by inventors due to patent reforms. He is an independent inventor with dozens of patents and pending patent applications in enterprise software. He is also CEO of OrgStructure, LLC, an early stage enterprise software company in Northwest Indiana.

Recent Articles by

Patent Reform riddled with intended, unintended, and unknown consequences

Most Congressional offices now understand how loser-pay, bonding and joinder stops the flow of capital to innovation startups, how customer stays make defending patent rights impossibly difficult, why eliminating PRG estoppel perpetuates litigation shifting almost all of the costs onto inventors, and how IPR’s and CBM’s unjustly strip property rights and devalue all patents. Rank and file offices seem to be listening. However, key offices are deliberately deaf.