Victor Green

has worked in the field of patent and technical information for over 35 years. The range of technical information work he has carried out and supervised over the years has covered every branch of technology. His experience in online searching is extensive and he is a member of the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals and British Patent Information Professionals. He has degrees in Applied Mathematics & Physics (University of Cape Town) and Philosophy & Psychology (Birkbeck College, London). Since 1986, his firm Victor Green & Company has provided an intellectual property (IP) information service to patent attorneys, universities and companies.

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WIPO’s INSPIRE Offers a New Way to Select Databases for Patent Searches Involving Machine Translations

The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) launched their INSPIRE (Index of Specialized Patent Information Reports) “database of databases” on November 4, 2020. It provides useful summaries of patent databases to help both novice and expert patent searchers identify the most suitable search system. WIPO’s ultimate goal was to speed up the pace at which innovation takes place. To do this, INSPIRE identifies database features without commenting on any strengths or weaknesses of products. At the time of writing, INSPIRE listed 23 databases, both free and subscription. Content was still being added to the collection and there was scope for more sources to be included.