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Wayne S. Sobon

is Senior Vice President and General Counsel for Invenergy, an investment and licensing company that is strategically focused on partnering with technology leaders. Sobon, a former President of the American Intellectual Property Law Association, has also served on the Public Patent Advisory Committee, which advices the United States Patent and Trademark Office on patent policy. In 2014, Sobon was awarded a Gold Medal from the U.S. Department of Commerce in recognition of his extraordinary support and service with respect to implementation of the America Invents Act (AIA).

Recent Articles by Wayne S. Sobon

A Global IP System at the Crossroads

The challenges to the global IP system, however, go much, much deeper than mere debates over so-called patent trolls or patent quality. The very premises of our intellectual property laws — the economic value of the intellectual property system itself — are now in deep dispute, not only in the U.S. but worldwide. Indeed, global anti-IP sentiment seems to be at its highest level since the late 1860s, when opponents of intellectual property rights succeeded — for a time, at least — in abolishing or weakening the patent systems of several nations around the world.