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Yonghao Jin

Dr. Yonghao Jin is a Research Faculty member at the Florida A & M University. He has earned his doctorate degree in Medicinal Chemistry. He is the author of numerous peer-reviewed international quality journals and patented novel MMP inhibitors in the USPTO. Presently, he works on multidisciplinary research projects involving synthetic organic chemistry, design and synthesis of novel drugs, biochemical and biological studies. Besides his research, he takes special interest in the patentability sections [35 U.S.C 101, 102, 103 and 112] of the US Patent laws and Rules.

Recent Articles by Yonghao Jin

Ex parte Itagaki: Has the PTAB gone too far in invalidating patents under 35 USC 101

When addressing the issue of generality vs. particularity, we come across a situation where the inventors described the most crucial aspect of the invention, the classification unit, in general terms in the claim. Consequently, in the PTAB’s assessment, the representative claim did not rise above the threshold test of patentability under section 101. But much of what the PTAB seems concerned about relates to disclosure and there is nothing in the PTAB panel decision in Itagaki to suggest that the PTAB reviewed the specification to determine whether the somewhat generally described terms were given particularized meaning by the applicant. It also raises questions about how the PTAB could have properly conducted an obviousness review if the classification unit was so abstract as to be infirm from a patent eligibility point of view.