Posts Tagged: "Article III"

It’s Time to Stop PTAB Gamesmanship

The next several weeks will see much wringing of hands and gnashing of teeth about Allergan’s transaction with the Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe. Our point is not to engage in futile “what about-ism…” but rather to illustrate how the PTAB is inherently subject to gamesmanship — from all directions — that destroys systemic credibility, which is undeniably bad for all parties, not just the one whose ox got gored today. As an administrative tribunal, the PTAB isn’t limited to resolving actual “cases or controversies” between parties like Article III courts are. The gates are open to all comers, and so are the unintended consequences.

A Summary of the Constitutional Issues Raised by the Respondent in Oil States

The respondent immediately takes issue with the argument that patents are not public rights, summarily citing MCM Portfolio LLC v. Hewlett-Packard Co., 812 F.3d 1284 (Fed. Cir. 2015), cert. denied, 137 S. Ct. 292, which held that that neither Article III nor the Seventh Amendment bars IPRs, a holding that, according to the respondent, does not conflict with any decision of the Court or any other court of appeals, rendering further review unwarranted.

AIA Did Not Alter Reviewability Bar of District Court Remand Decisions Under §1447(d)

The district court determined that it lacked subject matter jurisdiction because Preston’s state-law claims did not arise under federal law and Nagel’s patent counterclaims did not present a justiciable case or controversy under Article III because the patent dispute was not imminent. Therefore, the district court remanded the case and Nagel timely appealed… The AIA and its strengthening of federal court jurisdiction over patent claims did nothing to override the rule that a district court decision to remand a case to state court is not appealable under §1447(d).