Posts Tagged: "Beijing Treaty on Audiovisual Performances"

WIPO Assemblies Agree to Roadmaps for New IP Agreements

The WIPO Assemblies, which met from October 1-9, 2012, took stock of the Organization’s substantive work over the last year, and provided direction for the future work program. At the closing of the Assemblies, WIPO Director General Francis Gurry welcomed the “extremely constructive engagement of member states” in the work of the Organization as demonstrated in the decisions taken by the Assemblies. He underlined the progress made by member states in setting timetables for concluding negotiations on international instruments on access to copyrighted work by the visually impaired, design law and intellectual property and genetic resources, traditional knowledge and folklore.

USPTO Led International Delegation Negotiates Historic Audiovisual Performance Treaty in Beijing

With approximately 140 signatories to the Final Act, the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) Beijing Treaty on Audiovisual Performances, or the “Beijing Treaty,” strengthens intellectual property protections for actors, musicians, and dancers globally, by requiring countries to ensure updated and consistent standards of protection for performers in audiovisual works.

WIPO Beijing Treaty on Audiovisual Performances is Concluded

The President’s gavel brought an end to over 12 years of negotiations held under WIPO auspices. Mr. Gurry hailed this major development in the history of international copyright as a success of the multilateral system. “The conclusion of the Beijing Treaty is an important milestone toward closing the gap in the international rights system for audiovisual performers and reflects the collaborative nature of the multilateral process,” Mr. Gurry said. He noted that “the international copyright framework will no longer discriminate against one set of performers.”