Posts Tagged: "export administration regulations"

The Top Five IP and Tech Issues for Cross-Border Transactions

Although US-China tensions currently exist in the areas of trade tariffs, it appears overseas entities, especially entities within China, remain highly interested in investing and dealing with US businesses. Large Chinese tech companies raise questions related to export control, and specifically whether inventions designed in the US, implemented in another country such as in Europe, and adopted in China were subject to export control. One obvious category subject to export control is military applications. However, inventions where civilian applications predominate are more difficult to assess. The safe assumption is that when a portion of the invention is conceived in the US, the invention is subject to export control.

Outsourcing to India: National Security Subversion & Job Loss

The fact that the outsourcing of patent searches and the preparation of patent applications violates U.S. law only makes perfect sense, particularly when you factor into consideration the requirements of 35 U.S.C. 181 (re: national security) and 35 U.S.C. 184 (re: foreign filing licenses). By openly and willingly tolerating the outsourcing of preparation work of patent applications the clear intention of 35 U.S.C. 181 is subverted. What good does a secrecy order make if the the information relative to the invention has already been sent overseas?

USPTO Ends Patent Outsourcing to India

On July 23, 2008, the United States Patent & Trademark Office published an interesting notice in the Federal Register. This particular notice announced nothing new in terms of the law, but will have an enormous impact on the way patent services are provided to many corporations and law firms. Specifically, it has finally come to the notice of the Patent…