Posts Tagged: "lambert and lambert"

Licensable Products: The Patent, Marketability & Feasibility Test

There are three major things that need to intersect to make a licensable product,” Lambert said. “First of all, you have the patentable side. Either it is patented or patentable, because essentially what we are licensing is intellectual property. Second, is the product marketable, meaning people want to buy it? Does it have unique features that people like, or need, or want. Lastly is it commercially feasible? That means that you can sell it, or make and sell it, for certain margins.

Q & A: File a Patent Application Before Market Evaluation?

Below is a question that we received recently, which is one that many folks likely have. Thus, I thought it might make a good article, particularly given that there is no “right” answer. Question (in edited form): Should I file a patent application and obtain a patent before I submit my invention to a company like Lambert & Lambert for…

Introducing Lambert Licensing

Over the last couple months regular readers of have probably noticed some changes to the site.  One of the most prominent changes is the addition of Lambert Licensing as an advertiser.  Initially Lambert Licensing advertised on a few pages, and then they became a site-wide advertiser.  Increasingly, we are getting calls from inventors asking us about Lambert Licensing and more…

Falling Prey to Invention Promotion Scams

About a week ago I received a fairly typical e-mail from an individual who was inquiring about whether I could help provide certain services.  As you can probably imagine, I get inquiries from people looking for all different kinds of legal services, and I also get a lot of e-mails from those who have great ideas and want to sell…