Posts Tagged: "patent applications"

Patent Language Difficulties: Open Mouth, Insert Foot

Patent attorneys darn near need to be magicians when it comes to language, which is the primary tool of our craft. Picking the right word and the right way to say things is critical. Even more critical, perhaps, is not saying the wrong thing, or worse yet saying something that is clear but not what you intended. Today I thought…

There is no such thing as a provisional patent

It is important to understand what a provisional patent application is, what benefits are provided and perhaps most importantly what a provisional patent application is not. First and foremost, there is no such thing as a provisional patent. It is absolutely critical to understand that a provisional application will never mature into an issued patent! Ultimately, if you are going to want to obtain a patent you will need to file a non-provisional patent application. Thus, a provisional patent application is best viewed as an economical first step on the path to a patent.

Patent Drafting: The Use of Relative Terminology Can Be Dangerous

The use of relative terminology, which are short-hand terms that express a certain similarity, are quite common in every day conversation, but are not always appropriate for patent applications, or more specifically for patent claims. This is true because patent claims must particularly pointing out and distinctly claiming the subject matter invented. Therefore, the use of relative terminology in patent claims should be carefully considered. Traps do await the unwary.

Garbage in, Garbage out: A quality patent requires patent quality from the start

The term patent quality gets used frequently within the industry, but what does it actually mean? At least for the patent practitioner, the question of patent quality must start at the very beginning of the process. As the old saying goes, garbage in garbage out. Therefore, to have any hope of obtaining a patent worth owning— a quality patent for the patent owner— quality patent applications must be prepare and a quality prosecution of the filed patent application must take place.

Patent Drafting: Learning from common patent application mistakes

One of the biggest mistakes I see inventors make is they spend too much time talking about what the invention does and very little time explaining what the invention is and how it operates to deliver the functionality being described. Many inventors also make the mistake of only very generally describing their invention. If that is you then you are already light on specifics, which is extremely dangerous in and of itself. But the other problem I want to discuss is the flip side of the coin. It is important to be specific, but not just specific.

Patent Drafting: Distinctly identifying the invention in exact terms

In short, a concise description of an invention is an inadequate description of an invention, period. The goal has to be to provide a full, clear, exact description of the invention in a way that particularly points out and distinctly identifies what the inventor believes he or she has invented and wants protection to cover. Even knowing what the legal standard is for the description that must be present in a patent application does not ensure that those without training will be able to satisfy the requirement. The blame for this goes to the way most people describe things as they engage in ordinary, everyday communications.

First to File Means File First! The Risk of Not Immediately Filing a Patent Application

When people say that inventors do not need to start with a patent application and can wait to file I cringe. It is not that this is universally bad advice, but it certainly comes with a lot of risk, even more risk now that the United States is a first to file country with only an infinitesimally small grace period remaining. Today it is imperative that the U.S. first to file laws be interpreted to mean file first before you disclose anything, demonstrate your invention publicly or offer it for sale. The risk of waiting to file a patent application is simply too great and may forever foreclose the ability to obtain a patent.

Patent Drafting: Understanding the Specification of the Invention

This so-called adequate description requirement pertains to the level of description that must be included in the ”specification,” which is most typically defined as that part of the patent application that is not a drawing figure and is not a claim. This is the most common definition for the term “specification” because if and when you need to amend an application there are three separate sections for an amendment, one for amendments to the specification, another for amendments to the claims, and a third for amendments to the drawings. When you get to the point of the process where you will need to amend the application (which goes beyond the scope of this article) you will amend anything that is not a claim and not a drawing under amendments to the specification.

Tricks & Tips to Describe an Invention in a Patent Application

One excellent way to make sure you are including an appropriately detailed description that treats a variety of variations and alternatives is to have many professional patent drawings. You should then describe what each drawing shows. The quickest way to explain what you want to do is by way of example. The popular children’s song “Skeleton Bones” explains how all the bones in the body are connected. The leg bone is connected to the knee bone, which is connected to the thigh bone, which is in turn connected to the back bone, which is connected to the neck and so on. Notice that this is a very general overview of how the bones in the body are connected. This is a good first step, but there is a lot more that can and should be written.

Best Practices for Drafting Software Patent Applications post-Alice

Don’t be afraid to make the technical disclosure long, dense and difficult to read, at least for those without technical training. In my opinion one of the biggest reasons the Supreme Court has embarked upon this path to render much innovation patent ineligible is because they actually understand the inventions in question. In Bilski, for example it was little more than thinking, observing and acting. In Alice they convinced themselves it was just little more than ledger accounting. Dumbing down the technical disclosure so even a Justice of the Supreme Court can understand is a mistake, at least in my humble opinion.

Innovation America: Patent Applications and Allowances by State

Looking at raw numbers, California was by far the most inventive state, with over 329,000 non-design patents filed, over 254,000 disposed, and over 180,000 allowed between 2000 and 2010. Texas, New York, Massachusetts, and Washington rounded out the top five, but together had fewer applications, disposed applications, and allowed applications than California alone. The states with the highest allowance rates were Vermont (84%), Idaho (77%), Kansas (74%), Washington (74%) and Iowa (73%).

Describing an Invention in a Patent Application

It is absolutely critical to understand that this complete and full description MUST be present as of the filing date of your application. If you file an application that does not describe the invention to the required level required by U.S. patent laws the application is defective and it cannot be fixed. The only way to fix an inadequate disclosure is to file a new application with an adequate disclosure, but that means you obtain no benefit from the filing of the earlier inadequate patent application.

The Myth of the 18-Month Delay in Publishing Patent Applications

Starting in November 2000, the USPTO started publishing patent applications 18 months after their earliest filing date. So the simple assumption is that you file a patent and 18 months later it get publicized, right? However, since the US has moved to a first-to-file System, the “earliest filing date” is really 18 months after the earliest priority date or an application can take advantage of the 12-month grace period could be published as early as 6 months after filing.

Patent Drawings and Invention Illustrations, What do you Need?

If you are going to file a patent application you must have drawings to include in the application, but patent drawings are not the only type of “drawings” that an inventor should be considering. Patent drawings are wonderful for a patent application, but they don’t always do the invention justice if you are trying to capture the attention of a prospective licensee, or if you are trying to convince a buyer to place orders or sell the invention in their store. Patent drawings and other types of invention drawings, such as 3D renderings and photo realistic virtual prototypes serve different purposes.

The Key to Drafting an Excellent Patent – Alternatives

The trick to drafting an excellent patent application is to describe anything that will work, no matter how crude, no matter how defective. You want to capture everything. This is because the only power of a patent is to prevent others from doing what is covered in the patent. If you are making money there will be others who want to do what you are doing. Your patent can prevent them from doing what you are doing, but a strong patent will also prevent would-be-competitors from doing anything that is close.