Posts Tagged: "ucla"

Paul Terasaki Revolutions Organ Donor-Recipient Matching With the Terasaki Tray

This July 8th marks the 32nd anniversary of the issue of a seminal patent in the field of organ donation and it protected a technology which became crucial for testing organ tissues to determine potential matches between organ donors and recipients. The lead inventor listed on this patent is Paul Terasaki, a 2018 inductee into the National Inventors Hall of Fame. Once again, we return to our Evolution of Technology series to take a look at the history of organ transplants, the technology that has been developed to improve the success of those transplants and where Terasaki’s innovation fits into that story.

Andrei Iancu submits questionnaire to Senate, more info on USPTO Director nominee

There is growing speculation among Capitol Hill watchers that the Judiciary Committee may soon be ready to hold a nomination hearing to vet Iancu’s credentials to serve as USPTO Director, perhaps as soon as this month. Although there’s a strong chance that the hearing would focus on recent developments like the Allergan-St. Regis Mohawk Tribe patent arbitrage deal, the hearing will be the patent world’s first true glimpse into Iancu’s vision for the role of the USPTO in promoting America’s innovation economy… Some additional details have begun to emerge thanks to a public response to a questionnaire submitted by Iancu to the Senate Judiciary Committee. This filing and attached documents help to flesh out many of the details surrounding the patent attorney’s experience as well as his viewpoints on certain trends affecting patent system stakeholders as outlined in articles and speeches given by this individual.

Interview With UCLA Law Professor Doug Lichtman

For years I have known for Doug Lichtman, at least in a virtual, Internet kind of way.  He was kind enough to share his thoughts and views about patent law and scholarship when I was cutting my teeth trying to do scholarly writing back in my law professor days.  Recently I got back in touch with Doug and learned that…