Posts Tagged: "US Patent No. 2000000"

From 1 to 10,000,000 – A History of Patents

Tuesday June 19th, 2018 goes down in history for the patent world as the day U.S. Patent No. 10,000,000 was granted. The journey from patent No.1 to patent 10,000,000 tells the story of an evolving economy and the technological change that has taken place over more than two centuries.

U.S. Patent Office Closing in on Patent No. 8,000,000

Yesterday the United States Patent and Trademark Office profiled U.S. Patent No. 1,000,000, which was issued on August 8, 1911. Under the current numbering system for patents, U.S. Patent No. 1 was issued on July 13, 1836 to John Ruggles of Thomaston, Maine for his invention related to the locomotive steam engine. Therefore, it took just over 75 years to issue 1,000,000 United States patents. Today the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office is poised to soon issue patent number 8,000,000, perhaps as soon as next week. Just over 5 years since U.S. Patent No. 7,000,000 issued.